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Trippy timelapse of mushrooms coming to life is pure magic

[Release date]2019-03-29
[Core hints]This spectacular video shows what the mushrooms are doing when the humans aren't looking.I tend to gush about the natura
This spectacular video shows what the mushrooms are doing when the humans aren't looking.
I tend to gush about the natural world. Sometimes I get hyperbolic and use terms like breathtaking and jaw-dropping – and maybe people wonder if my breath was actually taken and if my jaw really dropped. Well I am here to say that the video below was literally breathtaking and jaw-dropping for me. My heavens, it is exquisite.
Now I know I am not the first person to discover this timelapse, which was originally posted by Next Observer. On their Facebook page it has more than 240,000 reactions and 68,000 comments. But I really want to share it anyway, I know that not everyone hangs around Facebook for their nature fixes.
The clip is called a "mushroom bloom" timelapse. Though I believe it would be more accurate to call it a fungus fruiting timelapse, since there are organisms other than mushrooms in there (hi, slime mold!). And fungus doesn't exactly bloom, but rather, fruits, as far as I understand. But nonetheless, minor details – the point is that these things are incredible.
See for yourself ... and in the meantime, I'll be catching my breath and returning my jaw to its normal position.
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