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[Release date]2011-12-09
[Core hints]At the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2011, important changes were made to the
 At the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2011, important changes were made to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (now the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants). The new Code will take effect from 1 January 2012, and the changes in this new Code will affect everyone who publishes names governed by this Code. It is imperative to have international exchanges and collaborations among mycologists to assure a smooth and clear transition of the fungal nomenclature regarding to the complete revision of Article 59. 


This international symposium is jointly organized by State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science (SKLM) and the Mycological Society of China (MSC), in collaboration with the Nomenclatural Committee for Fungi (of the IBC) and the International Commission of the Taxonomy of Fungi (of the IMA and IUMS). The symposium will focus on discussing the new challenge and opportunities under the new code, based on which, we would move towards the establishment of a more natural and stable fungal systematics. The symposium will be held in Beijing China from 9-10 August 2012 at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science. The symposium will consist of invited and offered presentations and posters.


Registration: USD 200 (includes the lunches, coffee and tea for two days and welcome reception).


Organizing committee

Chair: Dr. XingZhong Liu (liuxz@im.ac.cn)

Members: Dr. Fengyang Bai, Dr. Wenying Zhuang, Dr. Liangdong Guo, Dr. Lei Cai, Dr. Sha Qi, Dr. Na Jiang

Contact: Dr. Lei Cai (mrcailei@gamil.com, general information, scientific program)
  Dr. Sha Qi (
qis@im.ac.cn, invitation letter, registration, hotel reservation, logistics)

For more information, please link to the offical website of this meeting.

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